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Meet Our Guest

Victoria Andersen is a published author of three paranormal, memoir books – Touched, Trial By Fire, and Mastering the Paradox (available on Amazon as VP Andersen), a non-fiction-book, Leap Into Your Story, 30 Day Writers Journal, online course creator.-Leap Into Your Story, Writing With Ease-15 Easy Steps to Start Writing Your Book,She is also an international motivational speaker, and creator of the Leap Into Your Story Podcast. She currently lives in central New Mexico with her husband, cats, and wildlife that roam through her yard, near the Rio Grande River. When she isn’t writing, she’s working in her ceramic studio, gardening, or hiking ancient Native American petroglyphs near her home.

Episode Synopsis

Victoria Andersen is a published author and international motivational speaker who provides valuable insights into writing and the creative process in this podcast episode. She shares her unique approach to writing, including how to unleash the story within, overcome common misconceptions about writing, and take the first steps toward writing a book. Listeners will be inspired to begin their own writing journey and tap into their creativity.

Some Questions We Answer For You:

  1. There are lots of writing programs and coaches out there, so what’s different with your strategy and courses?
  2. What do you think is the main reason most people who want to write… don’t?
  3. Can you tell us what are 3 starting steps to writing?
  4. There are a lot of misconceptions about writing a book, what are those? And how do you approach them?
  5. You say that the former publishing world is nearly unrecognizable from its early origins – can you explain that more?
  6. In addition to your coaching, writing courses, you also have a podcast – in one sentence, describe what value your podcast provides?

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