“True Self-Help Coaching is a brand new form of coaching that helps a person actually get the advertised results from any Self-Help home-study course.”
Tony Petrozza
Host, The Self-Help Coaching Podcast
Creator and Co-Founder, Perficio
Self-Help has gotten a lot of criticism. Much of it deserved.
Why? Mostly, it does not work.
The potential is there – but not the reality.
The four pervasive problems of self-help have been identified by personal development coach Tony Petrozza.
A typical person does not get the benefits of Self-Help because of four simple reasons. They did not:
- Start the course/book
- Finish the course/book
- Apply the principles of the course/book
- Continually apply the principles of the course/book
A cutting-edge automated virtual coaching program that solves all four problems, named Perficio, has just come on to the market. Tony, its creator, has been working on it since 2014.
Yes, the term “Self-Help Coaching” had been previously used – but they were all misnomers.

For example, if a content creator coached a student/client to continue to use their information after the main instruction was over – that might be called “self-help”.
However, that is not really Self-Help!
That’s straight up coaching.
Self-Help is when one learns and works on their own.
Today, the terms Personal Development, Self-Improvement or Self Development (Self Dev) are also used.
However, Personal Development can be either by itself or with others.
The true Self-Help Revolution is finally here – and it has been needed for a long time.

When you buy a self-help book or course, you invest the money it costs.
However, that money is insufficient to motivate you to get what you want from it – you usually need more.
What if you also invested in something that gets you to learn that knowledge? And on very deep levels?
More importantly, what if that thing got you to apply those learnings?
What if it got you to apply it in pursuit of your important goals?
What if it got you to do that, until you accomplished those goals? Or helped condition you, until you created the actual habits you wanted and needed so that you didn’t need that thing anymore?
Yes the self-help problems were recognized. And the solution was made. That thing is Perficio.
The world’s first true virtual coach designed to make self-help coaching finally and actually work for anyone.
The irony of “Self-Help” is that you usually can’t do it alone.

The real challenge of self-help is to get some help from others.
Ironically, very often people have deeply ingrained issues, even if they don’t realize it.
These issues get in the way of what they want.
Even when they spend a bunch of money in the pursuit of their dreams, or it’s just very difficult to persist pursuing goals.
The hard truth is people need help. Getting it from others is tricky and can be a minefield per se.
Those are prime reasons why people don’t get it.
Twelve-step programs / fellowships such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) usually are put under the self-help umbrella.
That is because everyone is an amateur and most of the change work is done on one’s own.
Coaching is also often lumped in with self-help.
However, the inverse is the case here – coaches are professionals who help their clients directly.
The human experience is not easy. A person needs a little assistance.

We start or work on something.
Then something else happens, and we just stop working on the thing.
It might be a distraction, we might have become stuck, or whatever.
So much of what we wanted to do just does not happen.
And those things were related to bigger things we wanted to do – so they don’t happen either.
Everything comes to a grinding halt.
There is a lot of sadness and desperation.
We don’t get the future we wanted.
Enter Perficio.
It will keep you on course no matter what happens in your life – and in a way that is totally acceptable to you.
Perficio lives on the cloud, so it will always be there for you when you need it.
And you need it now.
Perficio offers the kind of redemption you can only gain through TRUE Self-Help Coaching.

How many self-help books have you read?
How many courses did you take?
How many did you get and not even start?
How much money did you outlay?
How much time did you spend?
How many times did people you know ridicule you?
How many dreams and goals just disappeared?
Perficio was literally made for you to finally achieve what you always wanted self-help to do for you.
If you are young, or just new to self-help, count yourself very lucky.
You don’t have to go through all that fail and waste.
You can instead follow a trail that has already been cleared for you, and go directly to success now with Perficio.
Perficio is a revolutionary product with numerous unique features.

It is not person-to-person coaching, but rather computer-to-person coaching.
The differences between 1-on-1 human coaching and Perficio Self-Help Coaching include:
- 1-on-1 is medium-intensity, high-dynamics, and high-accountability for a short period.
- Perficio is low-intensity, low-dynamics, and low-accountability for an indefinite long period.
- Perficio is much cheaper.
- The most important thing perhaps is that with Perficio you will have that intensity, dynamics, and accountability for as long as you need to accomplish your goals.
The greatest value of Perficio is truly getting you to create the habits you want, and your reducing the habits you don’t want – that is the actually the simple description of a “success”.
Our listeners sometimes ask, “Is this too new?”

You might not want to use a groundbreaking product in its incipiency.
You might want to see that a bunch of others already have used it.
These are normal reactions to an idea you are seeing for the very first time.
Well, actually, e-learning platforms are skyrocketing in usage.
And Self-Help and intermediary apps are becoming more and more popular.
Perficio is a combination of all three that takes the best of what these other modalities offer and puts them together in a new way.
Yes, there is nothing like it – but it was inevitable.
You happen to be here at the beginning.
There are actually many advantages:
Discounts, wanted feedback, contribution, as well as being a shaper and a trendsetter.
Introducing our premiere course: “The Way To Wealth by Benjamin Franklin”

Ben’s writing is one of the most acclaimed bodies of work on personal finance ever.
It has been expanded and adapted into a Home Study Course that presents its fifty-three principles clearly.
This is a great contrast to the original work, which is basically a stream of consciousness!
It has been disassembled and principles isolated.
Ben Franklin himself (played by professional Franklin impersonator Barry Stevens) carefully explains each one in modern language, making it more accessible and digestible than ever before.
However, the greatest value comes from the coaching by Perficio that helps you learn them through Accelerated Learning.
Two ways Perficio fills in gaps other forms of coaching, and even other things labeled “self-coaching”…

Super Learning
Perficio coaches you to learn using ‘Super Learning”. This is a term as a general description and umbrella of advanced methods of learning.
These render much greater results than traditional or ordinary learning. You’ll learn quickly, more importantly you’ll remember what you learned – so get ready to learn like you never have before.
Stay The Course
Typically, you finish a course and don’t really know how to apply it – so you never do.
Perficio guides you through exactly how to do it.
Now you’ll always have a coach with you, whenever you want. This coach will not let you fail.